I’d like to manually trigger all builds. I’ve been trying to use continuation to automatically ignore builds that are triggered by commits, but I’m finding a few issues and I’d like to know if there’s a better way.
I guess the thing you search for is the manual approval feature: Using Workflows to Schedule Jobs - CircleCI.
It looks like this requires manual approval for every run. I only want to require it for commits, not api-triggered.
The normal way to configure a ‘manually trigger’ environment would be to switch to tags on your repos. By doing this you can exclude commits via a filter and just do a build based on how you name the tag.
So you trigger the build via a CLI or GUI based step of adding the tag to whichever branch you want the build to operate against.
Without workflow starting webhooks, that makes it a bit hard to track. Is there really no other way of doing this?
This is a bit janky, but I’ve created a solution for my problem
version: 2
when: # only execute when triggered by the api
equal: [<< pipeline.trigger_source >>, api]
- whatever
when: # prevents build errors
equal: [<< pipeline.trigger_source >>, api]
- noop
# do nothing
- image: cimg/base:2022.06-22.04
resource_class: small
- run: echo noop
@squili Pretty nice solution, as for me - easy to understand and without redundant things!
Hi @squili ,
Sorry if I’m a little late to the party,.
Maybe a simple way would be to unselect the “Pushes” event in the “Let me select individual events.” section of your webhook settings (in the VCS repository settings)
Doing so would prevent webhook deliveries from being triggered when you push commits to the repository.
This appears to have worked for me. I’ll leave the old code just in case, but this should probably documented somewhere.
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