Configyml file- emulator not setup correctly

I am trying to setup android emulator and launch after it, using the commands -

  • run:
    name: Setup Emulator
    command: sdkmanager “system-images;android-24;default;armeabi-v7a” && echo
    “no” | avdmanager create avd -n test -k “system-images;android-24;default;armeabi-v7a”
    - run:
    name: Launch Emulator
    command: |
    cd {ANDROID_HOME}/emulator;ls export LD_LIBRARY_PATH={ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/lib64:${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/lib64/qt/lib
    emulator -avd test -skin 1440x2560 -memory 2048 -no-window -noaudio -no-boot-anim -no-window -accel on
    background: true
    - run:
    name: Wait emulator
    command: |
    circle-android wait-for-boot
    adb shell input keyevent 82

But the problem is when I am running the config.yml file on circleci its showing , emulator out of date Below is the attached error description, and I am using windows 10, eclipse ide, java language, appium, android mobile app-

#!/bin/bash -eo pipefail
cd {ANDROID_HOME}/emulator;ls export LD_LIBRARY_PATH={ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/lib64:${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/lib64/qt/lib
emulator -avd test -skin 1440x2560 -memory 2048 -no-window -noaudio -no-boot-anim -no-window -accel on
LICENSE emulator lib64 resources
NOTICE.csv emulator-check mksdcard
NOTICE.txt emulator64-crash-service package.xml
android-info.txt goldfish-webrtc-bridge qemu
bin64 lib qemu-img
emulator: WARNING: encryption is off
emulator: INFO: VideoFrameSharer.cpp:76: Initialized handle: videmulator5554
emulator: INFO: WebRtcBridge.cpp:263: Launching: /opt/android/sdk/emulator/goldfish-webrtc-bridge --daemon --logdir /tmp/android-unknown --port 41219 --handle videmulator5554 --turn
emulator: INFO: WebRtcBridge.cpp:273: Launched /opt/android/sdk/emulator/goldfish-webrtc-bridge --daemon --logdir /tmp/android-unknown --port 41219 --handle videmulator5554 --turn , pid:3393
emulator: WARNING: EmulatorService.cpp:448: Cannot find certfile: /home/circleci/.android/emulator-grpc.cer security will be disabled.
E0305 15:48:38.883310735 3383] check for SO_REUSEPORT: {“created”:"@1583423318.883291099",“description”:“SO_REUSEPORT unavailable on compiling system”,“file”:"/mnt/tmpfs/src/android/emu-master-dev/external/grpc/src/core/lib/iomgr/",“file_line”:169}
Started GRPC server at
Your emulator is out of date, please update by launching Android Studio:

  • Start Android Studio
  • Select menu “Tools > Android > SDK Manager”
  • Click “SDK Tools” tab
  • Check “Android Emulator” checkbox
  • Click “OK”

I cant the perform the above actions, because I am running automated test acses and unable to see the emulator in run time, i can see only the screenshots and looks like by passing these details it is opening a tablet ui instead of mobile version, Please help