Conditional step

Environment: iOS builds, GitFlow, CI 2.0, Fastlane.
We are pushing feature branches to develop branch. develop branch represents the Dev environment.
Currently, whenever we merge the feature branch into develop, CI just performs a build and test job. We would also like to do a app creation step and upload it to Testflight. But we don’t want to do it each time, a feature branch gets merged into develop. We want to do it only when we perform fastlane bump_version commit. Which basically increments the app version.
What are our options to solve this puzzle?
I would be a bit more explicit about the requirement… we would like to create a new build as soon as the app version gets incremented/changes.

Could you use a special Git tag for pushes that are actual releases? That can be used in a a workflow branch filter.

Hm, sounds like a good idea. I will check how I can actually do it, and verify if it somehow collides with the flow. Thanks @halfer

No worries. :+1: Check out my example here.

Great! I’d like to check it. Thanks

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