I’m using the recommended way to download cocoapods from the circle CI S3 bucket.
It uses this script provided by CircleCI to do the work:
Ever since updating to Xcode 12.0 I’m getting the error
Download from S3 failed, cleaning up and falling back to standard checkout...
Anyone got any ideas as to how to fix or workaround this?
We no longer recommend using the S3 mirror for cocoapods as it has not been updated in many months. Since Cocoapods 1.8, it is better to use the CDN method of retrieving pods as it has better reliability and is generally faster: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/testing-ios/#optimizing-cocoapods
Cocoapods 1.9 isn’t working very well with Xcode 12 at the moment, so in the next image (12 beta 4) we will be shipping Cocoapods 1.10 beta which brings Xcode 12 support. Keep a check on the announcements section as it shouldn’t be long before this is rolled out!
Thanks for the quick reply @bytesguy
I’ll make the recommended changes.
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@bboyle18 No problem
We have just released beta 4 with the 1.10 beta version of Cocoapods, so hopefully this will play a bit nicer with Xcode 12: Xcode 12 Beta 4 Released
I’m hoping we can adjust the s3 mirror script to redirect requests to the main cocoapods repo (with a warning message) soon. Whilst this will no longer provide the speed boost that the script was intended for, it will at least prevent jobs failing as we move towards Xcode 12 becoming more popular!
Thanks. I’m using Beta 4 now and cocoapods 1.10 works fine with it.
Ruby is a whole different problem, but sorted it by moving to use chruby
instead of the system one.
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