Trying with integrating bit bucket code build in circleci and push to sonar. But its not connecting with sonar. build message is
“Waiting for SonarQube task to be ready (2/30)
Still not ready. Retrying. …”
Sonar set up and scan code is below
- run:
name: Sonar scan
command: |
# Open ssh tunnel into Sonar
# Workaround CircleCi bug : Git checkout of a branch destroys local reference to master
git branch -D master
# Run scanning job
TASK_URL=$(./gradlew -d sonar -Dsonar.branch.name=$CIRCLE_BRANCH -Dsonar.branch.target=$CIRCLE__TARGET_BRANCH | tee out | grep -Eo ‘http./api/ce/task.’)
# Get result and quality gates
/process_sonar_request.sh $TASK_URL
Could you please help to sonar scan?