Circleci Sonarqube integration - Not connecting to sonar

Trying with integrating bit bucket code build in circleci and push to sonar. But its not connecting with sonar. build message is
“Waiting for SonarQube task to be ready (2/30)
Still not ready. Retrying. …”
Sonar set up and scan code is below

  • run:
    name: Sonar scan
    command: |
    # Open ssh tunnel into Sonar
    # Workaround CircleCi bug : Git checkout of a branch destroys local reference to master
    git branch -D master
    # Run scanning job
    TASK_URL=$(./gradlew -d sonar$CIRCLE_BRANCH$CIRCLE__TARGET_BRANCH | tee out | grep -Eo ‘http./api/ce/task.’)
    # Get result and quality gates
    / $TASK_URL

Could you please help to sonar scan?

build message is below