CircleCI is trying to download the package of the current repo from as a separate repo

**go get -t -d -v ./...**
** (download)**
**# cd .; git clone /home/ubuntu/.go_workspace/src/**
**Cloning into '/home/ubuntu/.go_workspace/src/'...**
**Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.**

**ERROR: Repository not found.**
**fatal: Could not read from remote repository.**

**Please make sure you have the correct access rights**
**and the repository exists.**
**package exit status 128**
** (download)**
** (download)**
**# cd .; git clone /home/ubuntu/.go_workspace/src/**
**Cloning into '/home/ubuntu/.go_workspace/src/'...**
**ERROR: Repository not found.**
**fatal: Could not read from remote repository.**

**Please make sure you have the correct access rights**
**and the repository exists.**
**package exit status 128**

**go get -t -d -v ./... returned exit code 1**

**Action failed: go get**

Why is it trying to download the package model and service? it is actually inside the same repo goApp like this goApp/model and goApp/service