CircleCI color output is different from docker run


The color output does not match the same as the docker run and some colors are missing.

Can you help me, please?

Best regards,
Rafaela Soares


Would it be possible to tell us more about how you would expect the output of docker run to look?

When running locally on my machine there is no colour by default.

If you could attach screenshots that would help a lot.

If you would rather raise a support ticket please find the link to do so here

Kind Regards
Owen Oliver

Hi Owen,

Thank you so much for looking into this.

I would expect that Circle CI presents the same colors as the docker run command. As you can seen in the following images, in some cases the colors are not the same and in others, it simply does not have color.

I am not able to attach media. Please, see Possible to force color output on CircleCI orb? · Discussion #5383 · Checkmarx/kics · GitHub.

Which KICS version are you using?

Best regards,
Rafaela Soares


Thank you for confirming, as per the Github link you have posted I would recommend voting for the feature request, once there are enough votes the CircleCI team will look into the feature.

Kind Regards
Owen Oliver