Circle CI - slack notification for the first successful build after a failure

Hi guys,

do you know if there is a way on CIrcle to set up notifications for the first successful build after a failure.?

we have set up the notification with slack but only when fails, now we need to create a notification to know when it is success after fail.


Hello and welcome to Discuss!

You can use the basic_success_1 template for these notifications as well as other templates which can be found here: Home · CircleCI-Public/slack-orb Wiki · GitHub

Also worth noting leverageing the custom parameter to create your own notification along with the Slack Block Kit Builder

I hope this helps!

we are already using this in the config file. But I wanted also get notified for the first successful build after a failure. Not sure how to add it to It or modify this.

  • slack/notify:
    branch_pattern: main
    channel: builds
    event: fail
    mentions: “@here
    template: basic_fail_1

is anyone available to check this?
