Circle CI Ionic 1 Android build

Any help on below error?

I am using CI 2.0, Ionic 1 , fastlane for android build. IOS build went through perfectly fine.

17:22:14]: ▸ sh: 1: /home/circleci/Myapp/platforms/android: Permission denied
|            Lane Context            |
| DEFAULT_PLATFORM  | android        |
| PLATFORM_NAME     | android        |
| LANE_NAME         | android deploy |
| GRADLE_BUILD_TYPE | Release        |
[17:22:14]: Shell command exited with exit status 126 instead of 0.
sh: 1: /home/circleci/Myapp/platforms/android: Permission denied

What command is running when this error occurs?

Hey this issue is resolved, i will put proper comments and update the same

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