We are currently migrating to Github Enterprise Server and EMU users, however we will be keeping the org name. How will CircleCi handle this, and how to we make sure our new EMU users still have access to CircleCI? We are using the Github OAuth App.
So what will happen:
We will transfer everything from org xyz to xyz-new
Then xyz will be renamed to xyz-old and xyz-new will be renamed to xyz. So externally the URL will be the same.
We will have to reinstall the Github OAuth App in the new org
We will all receive new EMU users who do not have a CircleCi account
How will CircleCi handle this, do we get to keep the same org env variables and context in CircleCi?
How will our new Github accounts access CircleCI and link to this CircleCi Org?
CircleCI will view this organization as new organization with a new UUID.Therefore your context will not be automatically transferred. You may leverage the CircleCI v2 API to list your contexts and set those context and their environment variables in the new organization: CircleCI API
Per using GitHub Enterprise Server, this is only supported on CircleCI server. You can find more information in this support article. If you wish to continue using CircleCI Cloud, you will need to user GitHub Enterprise Cloud.
Please feel free to open a support ticket or follow up here if any additional questions or issues come up. Cheers!