Changed environment variable values are not getting shared between steps

Currently, my build job is breaking due to the fact that the environment JAVA_HOME which I have assigned in the env variable section cannot be changed via any of the steps thereafter. Which you can see from the error message:

  File "/home/graal/project/graal/compiler/mx.compiler/", line 312 in definition of org.graalvm.compiler.api.runtime:
JDK library JVMCI_API required by org.graalvm.compiler.api.runtime not provided by Java 1.8.0-internal (1.8) from /opt/java/openjdk/jdk8u144-b01

This is important for us to be able to do it - unless there is another way to overcome the issue.

I have tried something new and that failed too - was trying to use envrc to save and load env settings

Any update on this one? Would love to hear how others have resolved this?

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