We have a total of 3 containers. 2 paid and 1 free container.
In one of the projects, we have 2 concurrent jobs which should run at the same time. (see the screenshots below).
Now, as you can see in queue.png, job #3307 is waiting for job #3306 (which is the style
job as shown in the screenshot below). This should not be the case as we have 3 available containers.
This behavior started happening somewhere beginning this week. So, it was working all fine before.
The recent support article regarding this issue (https://support.circleci.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020583314-Why-does-my-job-queue-even-if-I-have-enough-containers-) does not apply to us we as do have available containers.
I have verified this behavior today (on a Sunday, 6PM - no-one else is using our CircleCI environment right now).