Can't download 24.0.1

Running this command:
**- ( sleep 5 && while [ 1 ]; do sleep 1; echo y; done ) | android update sdk --no-ui --all --filter “build-tools-24.0.0,platform-tools,android-24,extra-google-m2repository,extra-android-m2repository,extra-android-support”

is giving:

Downloading Android SDK Build-tools, revision 24
(10%, 2412 KiB/s, 17 seconds left)
(16%, 2677 KiB/s, 14 seconds left)
(23%, 2810 KiB/s, 13 seconds left)
(29%, 2837 KiB/s, 11 seconds left)
(36%, 2891 KiB/s, 10 seconds left)
(42%, 2866 KiB/s, 9 seconds left)
(48%, 2908 KiB/s, 8 seconds left)
(55%, 2941 KiB/s, 7 seconds left)
(62%, 2964 KiB/s, 6 seconds left)
(68%, 2986 KiB/s, 4 seconds left)
(74%, 2971 KiB/s, 4 seconds left)
(81%, 2988 KiB/s, 2 seconds left)
(88%, 3005 KiB/s, 1 seconds left)
(95%, 3017 KiB/s, 0 seconds left)
Download finished with wrong size. Expected 48960919 bytes, got 48936213 bytes.

This is strange. I’ve seen this with two other customers. I think the Android SDK released an update. I tried this in a fresh repo and was able to install the Android SDK. Can you try re-running this build without cache to see if that fixes the problem?

Worked today running the same command that failed yesterday, must’ve been a google server issue.

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Seems like a Google problem with build-tools-24.0.1, build-tools-24 still works though. Note that build-tools-24 does not have sub-version numbers. I ran in to an issue downloading it on Travis CI, and I had to manually use a hack:

echo “yes” | android update sdk -u -a -t 5

Where that “5” came from running this command:

android list sdk --all