Cannot retry a failed step?

I had a step fail because of an auth issue, but the ui doesn’t provide any options to retry the step - they are all greyed out. How can I fix this without making a dummy commit?

what status it the job in? does it say “failed” or something else? if it’s “failed”, the re-run option should be clickable

Sorry I took a while, I needed another example:

A task failed here, and it should be straightforward to just retry it, but its not because its greyed out.

This is the overview for the full set of jobs - theres no ability to retry that failed job or even the whole workflow.

It looks like I have to make a commit for no reason other than trigger the pipeline.

Additionally if I try to click the trigger pipeline button I also see this which is a seperate issue but could be a workaround:

Oh something weird - VScode actually can retry it! so there is inconsistency between the abilities of the web page and vscode.

I think what’s happening is that you can’t rerun a workflow unless it’s in a “terminal” state. If it’s in a “needs approval” state, it’s technically still “running” not in a “terminal” state. If you were to cancel the approval job, I would expect the workflow to be rerunnable.

That needs approval job is red herring, the dependency is currently disabled and doesn’t block anything.

Sure but as long as you have that approval job in the workflow, it’s going to make the workflow continue to run and not let you cancel it. If you remove the approval job, do you run into the same issue?