Hi there, we are evaluating using CircleCI for our flagship web product builds, but are having some issues caching docker builds. We use docker build’s build-args argument to pass an SSH key down to the container which means we can only use docker 1.9.1+.
However the solution proposed on the CircleCI doc fails on 1.9.1 because docker save gives the following error:
mkdir -p ~/docker; docker save $IMAGE_NAME > ~/docker/image.tar
Error response from daemon: chtimes /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-export-185042988/47ed1778199d0fade4926082ad19a1891e3ed967c65cca90642842e158054342: invalid argument
It seems related to this issue: docker/issues/20324
On 1.10 no failure, but cache is not working because of this other docker issue: docker/issues/20380
I then went onto a second strategy which is to use docker pull and actually sounds better as recommended on: https://karthikv.net/articles/circleci-docker-flow/, however this will not work on 1.10 because of the content-addressable storage changes, see: docker/issues/20316
I would appreciate any pointer as I spent quite a while trying to get this to work. Sorry that I had to cut github links, this support forum would otherwise give me this error: “Sorry, new users can only put 2 links in a post.”
I’m following the same snippet on 14.04 environment and caching also doesn’t work. The image is loaded (I added a docker images command to my circle.yml) but the docker build command still builds from scratch.
Also having this problem. I followed the trick outlined at https://circleci.com/docs/docker/#caching-docker-layers but it doesn’t work. The image is correctly cached in ~/docker and subsequent builds can ls the image but for some reason, docker doesn’t use the cached layers.
Here’s my circle.yml:
- docker
- "~/docker"
- make docker-load
- make build
- make docker-save
- echo "Override CircleCI auto-detected databases"
# see https://discuss.circleci.com/t/docker-run-error-bind-address-already-in-use/294/10
- sudo service postgresql stop
- $(aws ecr get-login --region us-west-1)
- npm run docker:test
And bits of my Makefile:
# hack to get caching in circleci
ls ~/docker || true
[[ -e ~/docker/image.tar ]] && docker load -i ~/docker/image.tar || true
.PHONY: docker-save
mkdir -p ~/docker
docker save ${IMAGE} > ~/docker/image.tar
ls ~/docker || true
.PHONY: docker-build
docker build --pull \
--rm=false \
--build-arg NPM_TOKEN=${NPM_TOKEN} \
-t ${IMAGE} .
docker tag ${IMAGE} ${SHORT_NAME}:test