I’ve since corrected this replacing github.com-wronghost with just github.com but circleci seems to have cached the old host and I can’t seem to bust it. The docs describing how to bust the cache are frankly terrible, it seems to describe a button I should be able to click without describing where this is located and I can’t see one anywhere. I’ve tried busting it from the api but that didn’t work.
git cloning the repo works when I ssh into the rerun job which suggests this is a npm/caching issue.
I’m unable to run a build for this job now because npm install keeps failing to resolve the host
ssh: Could not resolve hostname github.com-wronghost: Name or service not known
So here’s the ridiculous length I had to go to to get around this.
Create a config file containing the ssh configs including the wrong hostname that resolves to just github.com
Host github.com
HostName github.com
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Host github.com-wronghost
HostName github.com
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_somefingerprint
Base64 encode it to preserve whitespace/newlines and add this as a project environment variable in the CircleCI project settings. I’m also adding an ssh key via the “SSH Permissions” tab and injecting it below.
Then decode and write the result to a file in ~/.ssh/config