I have an app that I have no issues building and running using Xcode (and shipping to iTunes, etc), however it fails when building on Circle CI due to this error: cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type ‘String’
Looking at the log, I see that it occurs when attempting to compile NSURL+OAuthSwift.swift
▸ Compiling NSURL+OAuthSwift.swift
/Users/distiller/healthapp-cloud/iosApp/Health/NSURL+OAuthSwift.swift:21:29: cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type ‘String’
if absoluteURLString!.hasSuffix("?") {
/Users/distiller/healthapp-cloud/iosApp/Health/NSURL+OAuthSwift.swift:22:51: cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type ‘String’
absoluteURLString = (absoluteURLString! as NSString).substringToIndex(absoluteURLString!.utf16.count - 1)
/Users/distiller/healthapp-cloud/iosApp/Health/NSURL+OAuthSwift.swift:25:42: cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type ‘String’
let URLString = absoluteURLString! + (absoluteURLString!.rangeOfString("?") != nil ? "&" : "?") + queryString
▸ Compiling OAuth2Swift.swift
/Users/distiller/healthapp-cloud/iosApp/Health/OAuth2Swift.swift:123:64: cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type ‘String’
parameters["redirect_uri"] = callbackURL.absoluteString!.safeStringByRemovingPercentEncoding
I’ve walked through the basic CircleCI docs (https://circleci.com/docs/ios-builds-on-os-x/) and followed the directions. I noticed that a file with extension .xcscheme is supposed to be created in order to share the scheme. However, when I follow the directions in the official docs, this file is not created. Instead, I see something with an .xcuserstate file extension instead.
Any suggestions about where I should start looking to correct this issue?