Build hangs on robolectric tests


My CircleCi build for my android app has a step where it runs my tests and sometimes the build hangs when starting the robolectric tests. I get the following messages:

Downloading: org/sonatype/oss/oss-parent/9/oss-parent-9.pom from repository sonatype at
Transferring 6K from sonatype
Downloading: org/robolectric/android-all/8.1.0-robolectric-r4458339/android-all-8.1.0-robolectric-r4458339.jar from repository sonatype at
Transferring 106939K from sonatype
WARNING: no system properties value for ro.control_privapp_permissions
WARNING: no system properties value for ro.crypto.state
WARNING: no system properties value for ro.crypto.type
WARNING: unknown service autofill
WARNING: unknown service autofill
WARNING: unknown service autofill
WARNING: unknown service autofill

After that, sometimes the build finishes successfully and sometime it hangs until the build times out. It seems to happen completely randomly, sometimes it works and sometimes it hangs.

Any suggestions on how to solve this?
