When I have SSHed into the box and executed the pip install Django==1.11.24 command. It installed the package without any issues.
I have tried installing the newest version of Django there was no issue with it.
This was first observed on 2019-09-10 around 12:00 BST and since then it is failing on all branches for that project. Even is the build that previously passed, when rerun, fails on this step. We had couple of builds hanging on this step for 16 hours.
John - can you check if the SHA of the docker image has changed from the last successful build? It will be shown in the “Spin Up Environment” step.
Also wondering if this is related to “no step output” issue for tasks that use a progress indicator (as PIP does) Steps with progress output stop running
That was reported resolved by our ops team… but maybe not. Please check the workaround in in that thread and let me know so I can escalate if needed!
@choldgraf Looks like image updates are not the cause, and as Komarx confirmed, this is an issue with step output. Please add the cat workaround while we investigate.
I’m using macOS executor, i see the CIRCLE_SHA1 and it has changed from the last successful build… a steps with progress out put stop running would makes sense as this has been a blocker for our CI process on the build step