[Bug] Scripts that rewrite the line using printf "\r.." no longer update in place

This is an in-place script that updates the last line every second while it updates.
The script being run is the aws-code-deploy runner (used by a lot of private repos on CircleCI [ https://github.com/techpivot/aws-code-deploy ].

Previously this worked. With the latest updates in CircleCI, this logger now appends the line every time.

Status  | In Progress: -  | Pending: -  | Skipped: -  | Succeeded: -  | Failed: -  | Status  | In Progress: 1  | Pending: 0  | Skipped: 0  | Succeeded: 0  | Failed: 0  | Status  | In Progress: 1  | Pending: 0  | Skipped: 0  | Succeeded: 0  | Failed: 0  | Status  | In Progress: 1  | Pending: 0  | Skipped: 0  | Succeeded: 0  | Failed: 0  | Status  | In Progress: 1  | Pending: 0  | Skipped: 0  | Succeeded: 0  | Failed: 0  | Status  | In Progress: 1  | Pending: 0  | Skipped: 0  | Succeeded: 0  | Failed: 0  | Status  | In Progress: 1  | Pending: 0  | Skipped: 0  | Succeeded: 0  | Failed: 0  | Status  | In Progress: 1  | Pending: 0  | Skipped: 0  | Succeeded: 0  | Failed: 0  | Status  | In Progress: 1  | Pending: 0  | Skipped: 0  | Succeeded: 0  | Failed: 0  | Status  | In Progress: 1  | Pending: 0  | Skipped: 0  | Succeeded: 0  | Failed: 0  | Status  | In Progress: 1  | Pending: 0  | Skipped: 0  | Succeeded: 0  | Failed: 0  | Status  | In Progress: 1  | Pending: 0  | Skipped: 0  | Succeeded: 0  | Failed: 0  | Status  | In Progress: 1  | Pending: 0  | Skipped: 0  | Succeeded: 0  | Failed: 0  | Status  | In Progress: 0  | Pending: 0  | Skipped: 0  | Succeeded: 1  |