AWS Cloudfront Invalidation: aws: error: the following arguments are required: –invalidation-batch

Hi, I’m at a lose as to why my cloudfront Invalidation is not working. I’ve tried all the suggestions found on the board but to no avail.

My setup is Angular on Node hosted on S3 with Cloudfront

When utilising Circle 1.0 I had no issues invalidating Cloudfront, but now that I’ve moved to Circle 2.0 it no longer works.

The current deploy log error is as follows but as I’ve said, I’ve tried all different variations with and without --invalidation-batch to no avail

aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id abc123 --paths /*
usage: aws [options] [parameters]
aws: error: the following arguments are required: --invalidation-batch
Exited with code 2
version: 2
    # The build job
      working_directory: ~/example
        - image: circleci/node:latest
        # Checkout the code from the branch into the working_directory
        - checkout
        # Log the current branch
        - run:
            name: Show current branch
            command: echo ${CIRCLE_BRANCH}
        - run:
            name: Who Am i
            command: whoami
        - run:
            name: Path
            command: echo ${PATH}

        # Restore local dependencies from cache
        - restore_cache:
            keys: dependency-cache-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
        # Install project dependencies
        - run:
            name: Install local dependencies
            command: yarn install

        # Cache local dependencies if they don't exist
        - save_cache:
            key: dependency-cache-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
            paths: |

        # Build the source code
        - run:
            name: Angular Build
            command: yarn ng -- build

        # Cache the dist folder for the deploy job
        - save_cache:
            key: v1-dist-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_BRANCH }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}
                - dist

# The deploy job
      working_directory: ~/example
        - image: circleci/node:latest
        # Log the current branch
        - run:
            name: Show current branch
            command: echo ${CIRCLE_BRANCH}
        # Restore cache from the build job which contains the
        # dist folder that needs to be deployed
        - restore_cache:
            key: v1-dist-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_BRANCH }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_SHA1 }}
        # Install AWS cli
        - run:
            name: Install aws cli
               sudo apt-get -y -qq install awscli
        # Set the signature version for the S3 auth
        - run:
            name: Setting Signature Version 4 for S3 Request Authentication
            command: aws configure set default.s3.signature_version s3v4

        - run:
            name: activate cloud front
            command: |
                    aws configure set preview.cloudfront true
                    aws configure set preview.create-invalidation true

        # Deploy to the S3 bucket corresponding to the current branch
        - run:
            name: Deploy to S3
            command: |
                if [ "${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" == "integration" ]; then
                    echo "Start S3 Sync"
                    aws s3 sync dist s3:// --cache-control "max-age=3153600" --exclude ".git/*" --exclude "*.sh" --exclude "node_modules/*" --region ap-southeast-2
                    echo "sync done "
                #    bash
                elif [ "${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" == "master" ]; then
             #       bash

     # Invalidate Cloudfront
        - run:
            name: Invalidate Cloudfront
            command: aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id ABC123 --paths /\*

  version: 2
  # The build and deploy workflow
          - build
          # The deploy job will only run on the filtered branches and
          # require the build job to be successful before it starts
          - deploy:
                  - build
                          - integration
                          - master

This seems to be a duplicate of this question. I suggest any answers are given on the other thread.

On the other thread, I said:

OK, good stuff. I suggest you make a new post (in this thread) with your latest configuration attempt(s), so that people do not need to ask exactly what new things you’ve tried.

See the bolded part - duplicating questions is discouraged on the Internet, because it creates administrative overhead for readers, and several people may provide duplicate answers.

I’ve resolved the issue by using pip to install awscli

    # Install AWS cli
    - run:
        name: Install aws cli
        command: |
           sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip
           sudo pip install awscli
           aws --version

which enabled me to utilise the command from Circle 1.0 for Cloudfront Invalidation

aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id DIST_ID --paths /* --region ap-southeast-2

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