All builds fail with 'Circle Bug'

Hey Circle dudes,

Since yesterday all of my builds have been failing with the following error message:

Looks like we had a bug in our infrastructure, or that of our providers (generally GitHub or AWS). We should have automatically retried this build. We’ve been alerted of the issue and are almost certainly looking into it, please contact us if you’re interested in the cause or if the problem persists.

The error message makes clear that this is an issue on your end, but the issue still persists so I thought I’d make sure.

My config file looks like this:

version: 2

    working_directory: ~/project
      - image: node:9.2.0
      - checkout
      - run:
          name: Install deploy dependencies
          command: |
            apt-get update
            apt-get -y install build-essential python python-dev python-pip
            pip install awscli
      - run:
          name: Install build dependencies
          command: yarn
      - run:
          name: Build
          command: yarn build
      - run:
          name: Write production config to env file
          command: |
            echo "window.env = {" >> public/dist/env.js
            echo "API_PROTOCOL: '$API_PROTOCOL'," >> public/dist/env.js
            echo "API_HOST: '$API_HOST'," >> public/dist/env.js
            echo "API_PORT: '$API_PORT'," >> public/dist/env.js
            echo "HOST: '$HOST'," >> public/dist/env.js
            echo "CALLBACK_URI: '$CALLBACK_URI'," >> public/dist/env.js
            echo "};" >> public/dist/env.js
      - run:
          name: Push to S3
          command: yarn deploy

  version: 2
      - deploy:
              only: master
          context: org-global

Any news / ideas ?

So it turns out this problem occurs when referencing context: org-global in a workflow step without having first added the context in the project settings. I had copied the config.yml from another project and forgot to add the context in the new project.

Maybe a more specific error message could be generated when this happens?

Otherwise, awesome product!