Hi, we have a single install job and then run tests job in the same workflow v2.1
We split the tests in the test job using parallelism flag, usually running 4 boxes.
The install job does NPM install and passes the workspace to the test boxes.
Now what we have noticed was that each of the test boxes can take a widely different
time to attach the same workspace. Typical values are from 18 seconds to 1.5 minutes.
This causes our test parallelization to be suboptimal since some boxes starting
the tests much later
5 parallel boxes. Workspace attachment
Downloading workspace layers
workflows/workspaces/cbe9c52f-1583-4b2a-8acd-71d959fcac7c/0/4aa55480-159c-49d9-865a-c2fc8342eec9/0/119.tar.gz - 449 MB
Applying workspace layers
Time it took to attach the workspace: 11s, 11s, 24s, 1m3s, 1m40s
Is there anything we can do to normalize the attachment time and make it more uniform?
The workspace is about