API token expiry

We have been using Circle CI Api token to publish custom orbs succesfully for a while now. Suddenly, everything stopped working. After some investigation it appeared to have stopped working 1 year after the Api token was created.

As we can’t find any documentation around the expiry of the Api tokens generated by a Circle CI Organization owner, we are looking to verify if it is expected to expire after 1year? If so, would there be any documentation to refer to that we have been missing other than Managing API Tokens - CircleCI?



we also faced the same issue.
we thought that the token was linked to a user who left the org since we didnt remember who created the token.

It would be great if circleci provides organisation level API token. please look into this matter with due dilligence

There is the ability to create tokens that are assigned to projects rather than users.

For organisation-level tokens the best workaround is to define a dedicated user and create the tokens there. This does make sense as users are a feature of the version control system that CircleCI integrates with, rather than entities defined within CircleCI.