I’m using a pretty simple circle.yml (roughly based on the sample provided in the docs) and I am not getting anything in the build/outputs directory.
Here is my circle.yml:
# start the emulator
- emulator -avd circleci-android24 -no-window:
background: true
parallel: true
# wait for it to have booted
- circle-android wait-for-boot
# run tests against the emulator.
- ./gradlew connectedAndroidTest
# copy the build outputs to artifacts
- cp -r my-project/build/outputs $CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS
# copy the test results to the test results directory.
- cp -r my-project/build/outputs/androidTest-results/* $CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS
branch: develop
- ./gradlew uploadReleaseToHockeyApp
After my tests appear to run just fine I get this:
cp -r my-project/build/outputs/androidTest-results/* $CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS
cp: cannot stat ‘my-project/build/outputs/androidTest-results/*’: No such file or directory
cp -r my-project/build/outputs/androidTest-results/* $CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS returned exit code 1
Any ideas why the tests are not outputting anything in the build/outputs folder and/or how I can fix it?