Adding Maven to the image with Oracle's JDK

I’m using Oracle’s JDK like this:

      # specify the version you desire here
      - image: circleci/jdk8:0.1.1

and I just switched from Gradle to Maven and now I’m finding this error:

/bin/bash: mvn: command not found
Exited with code 127

How do I install maven on this image?

I’m not familiar with Java or Maven, but I’ll take a guess that this image is based on Ubuntu. If it’s an Oracle flavour of Linux, swap out the package manager binary accordingly!

Add a run step thus:

apt-get install maven

That will get you the distro default version. If you want something more recent, head over to the Maven website and check out their install instructions.

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Yeah, I had to run apt-get update first for it to work. And it takes a while (not sure if it’ll take a while in future runs).

You can always try building a custom image containing both the base image plus Maven on top, push it to a registry, then pull it when you need it. It depends whether installing or pulling is quicker.

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