"Add project" and "Set up project" buttons not working

Hi there,

i’m trying to set up a project, but neither “Add project” nor “Set up project” buttons work. Clicking doesn’t do anything (although I can see some requests in devtools). Couple of my colegues have the same issue right now. Anyone else? :wink:

Cheers, K


I am facing exactly the same issue right now. The button “Set up project” doesn’t do anything for any project for me.

There are some errors in the console before trying to click anything (might be unrelated):

13:56:21.547 rollbar-4fcef5ccc29985d4878f2e7c5676180b.min.js:2 GET https://ipa.elev.io/api/settings/5639122987b91/en?is_init_load=true&loggedin_only=false&<REMOVED MY PERSONAL INFO> 426 ()
13:56:21.553 rollbar-4fcef5ccc29985d4878f2e7c5676180b.min.js:2 Elevio warning. 
 "{\"message\":\"elev.io account has expired, please contact accounts@elev.io\",\"errors\":[]}" 

There are no additional errors in the console after trying to click the button.

All the requests that happen after clicking the “Set up project” button look successful:

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I am facing exactly the same issue right now while adding “private” GitHub project.

Guys, going to https://circleci.com/gh/{your-username}/{repo-name}/edit and clicking “Follow project” in the upper-right corner couple of times helped me out. CircleCI picked up the project from then on, but it’s surely not the way that whole thing should work. Hope that helps a bit!


We’ve got the team working on this now. Thanks!

Thanks a lot guys! :smiley:

Fix is in. Please give it a shot

It works now! :tada: Thanks for quick reaction guys, cheers!

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