The Xcode 15 Beta 4 image has been released on M1 and Gen2 Intel resource classes and can be selected as follows:
xcode: 15.0.0
Note: This replaces Xcode 15 Beta 3 as per our image policy
Notable Changes
- This Beta 4 image includes visionOS 1.0 SDK
- This image is built on macOS 13.4.1
- Ruby 2.7 will no longer ship with Xcode 15 and higher images. This is due to the Ruby project project ending support for Ruby 2.7 in March 2023.
- The default Ruby will now be Ruby 3.1
Known Bugs
In this version of Xcode/Command Line Tools, you may see build output flooded with messages similar to:
objc[13795]: Class DTXDecompressionException is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DTXConnectionServices.framework/Versions/A/DTXConnectionServices (0x1ee1048e0) and /Applications/ (0x1042bf630). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
This appears to be a bug introduced by Apple in the latest beta release of their tooling (this has been reproduced on local machines). So far, it seems this does not cause any negative impact other than excessive noise in build outputs, so can be safely ignored.
Beta Image Support
Please note that this beta image is subject to change at any time and will be updated in-place with future beta releases. For more information, please see: CircleCI Xcode image release, update, and deprecation policy - CircleCI
M1 VM Image Info
Xcode 15.0 Build version 15A5195m
is installed at /Applications/
The full manifest of installed software can be found here
Intel VM Image Info
Xcode 15.0 Build version 15A5195m
is installed at /Applications/
The full manifest of installed software can be found here
For assistance, please create new threads in the Mobile section of the forum (Mobile - CircleCI Discuss) for community support. Support from CircleCI customer support may be limited with beta images, for more information please see: