Xcode 15.3 Beta 3 Released

The Xcode 15.3 Beta 3 image has been released on M1 and Gen2 Intel resource classes and can be selected as follows:

    xcode: 15.3

Apple Developer Documentation

Xcode 15.3 Beta 3 Release Notes | Apple Developer Documentation

:information_source: Apple Silicon VM Image Info :information_source:

Xcode 15.3 Beta 3 Build version 15E5194e is installed at /Applications/Xcode-15.3.app

The full manifest of installed software can be found here

:information_source: Intel VM Image Info :information_source:

Xcode 15.3 Beta 3 Build version 15E5194e is installed at /Applications/Xcode-15.3.app

The full manifest of installed software can be found here

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