Windows Server 2019 and 2022 - December 2024 Edge Release

Hey Everyone!

An updated edge image is being released for windows-server-2019-vs2019:2024.12.1 and windows-server-2022-gui:2024.12.1
Any changes to the image publishing process will be updated here.

This release is available under the edge tag.
They are also available as a dated tag if you wish to pin.


What’s New

  • Standard Quarterly Update

Release Cadence

These images are updated quarterly, excluding security updates.


Here’s a quick usage example:

version: 2.1
      image: 'windows-server-2019-vs2019:2024.12.1'
      resource_class: windows.medium
      shell: powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
      - run: Write-Host 'Hello, Windows'

Software Versions

WIndows 2019

Software Old version New version
aws-cli 2.17.6 2.18.11
Google Cloud SDK 480.0.0 501.0.0
bq 2.1.5 2.1.9
core 2024.06.07 2024.11.08
gsutil 5.29 5.31
node v21.6.2 v21.7.3
git 2.45.2 2.47.1
git.install 2.45.2 2.47.1
git-lfs 3.5.1 3.5.1
go go1.22.5 go1.23.2
rustc 1.79.0 1.82.0
xz (XZ Utils) 5.6.2 5.6.3
liblzma 5.6.2 5.6.3
Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vsw 16.11.37 17.12.3
Chocolatey v2.3.0 2.4.0
azure-cli 2.61.0 2.65.0
nuget.commandline 6.10.0 6.11.1
openjdk 22.0.1 22.0.2
Python 3.12.4 3.12.6
Rust 1.79.0 1.82.0
sysinternals 2024.6.20 2024.7.23
vcredist140 14.40.33810 14.42.34433
vim 9.1.487 9.1.798
visualstudio2019buildtools 16.11.36 16.11.36
visualstudio2019community 16.11.36 16.11.36

WIndows 2022

Software Old version New version
aws-cli 2.17.8 2.18.11
Google Cloud SDK 480.0.0 501.0.0
bq 2.1.5 2.1.9
core 2024.06.07 2024.11.08
gsutil 5.29 5.31
node v21.6.2 v21.7.3
liblzma 5.6.2 5.6.3
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 6.0.31 6.0.36
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 8.0.6 8.0.11
Microsoft.NetCore.App 6.0.31 6.0.36
Microsoft.NetCore.App 8.0.6 8.0.11
Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 6.0.31 6.0.36
Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 8.0.6 8.0.11
Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vsw 17.10.3 17.12.3
Chocolatey v2.3.0 2.4.1
7zip.portable 24.7.0 24.8.0
azure-cli 2.61.0 2.65.0
git 2.45.2 2.47.1
golang 1.22.5 1.23.2
nuget.commandline 6.10.0 6.11.1
openjdk 22.0.1 22.0.2
Python 3.12.4 3.12.6
Rust 1.79.0 1.82.0
service-fabric 10.1.2175 10.1.2338
service-fabric-sdk 7.1.2175 7.1.2338
syft 1.8.0 1.14.1
sysinternals 2024.6.20 2024.7.23
vcredist140 14.40.33810 14.42.34433
vim 9.1.487 9.1.798