Use env variable inside secondary docker image

I would like to pass the CIRCLE_SHA1 env variable to a secondary container. The secondary container can’t access them by default.

Yep, when setting up your docker YAML map, you can provide an environment key which contains a map of env vars. I think you might be able to add this in there, though I know variable interpolation doesn’t work in all keys across the YAML file. Try it?

I can confirm variable interpolation doesn’t work for secondary container environments.

I’m trying to work around this by using the machine executor, will post results…

Would you show how you’re trying this? Perhaps there is another way that readers know about.

The relevant excerpt from my .config.yml:

    - image: maven:3.5.3-jdk-8-alpine
    - image: "myPrivateImage"
        username: _json_key
        password: $GCLOUD_KEY

The expansion works for the private registry key but not the secondary container’s environment (it runs a bash script which checks its content).

I got around it by using the machine executor and running the docker commands manually:

    machine: true
    - checkout
    - run:
        name: Login to docker registry
        command: docker login -u _json_key -p "${GCLOUD_KEY}"
    - run:
        name: Create docker network
        command: docker network create perf-tests
    - run:
        name: Launch secondary container
        command: >
          docker run --rm 
          -e GCLOUD_KEY="${GCLOUD_KEY}"
          --name ...
        background: true
    - run:
        name: Run Tests
        command: >
          docker run
          -v ${PWD}/performance-tests:/usr/src/tests
          -w /usr/src/tests

Great, nice one. I wonder, do you need the Machine executor for this? DinD (Docker in Docker) works very well, in my experience. (I do a similar thing to you, but with Docker Compose, and it has been rock-solid for me).

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By DinD do you mean using setup_remote_docker and then docker-compose to setup the containers?
That seems like it might work great!

Yep, pretty much. Essentially if you were to flip your above config back to a Docker machine (e.g. docker:17.05.0-ce-git) then a Docker container is created for your build by CircleCI. Then your docker run above becomes a DinD configuration, by virtue of the nested containers.

In my experience this arrangement works very well. I think the Docker core team discourage it in certain circumstances (may be worth doing a bit of reading around it) but it’s been very reliable for me on CircleCI. The advantage I get is that I can run my microservices integration tests locally as well.

I’ve found that although there is nothing wrong with docker run with lots of parameters, after a certain level of complexity, putting all that stuff in a docker-compose.yml file is just a bit tidier. It simplifies other things as well, like container start order and network joining.

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