Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, 24.04 - Q3 Current Release

Hey Everyone!

An updated current image is being released for Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 22.04, and Ubuntu 24.04, to match the edge tag.

Updates to this post will be provided should any of the details of the image publishing change.

This release is available under the current tag.

They are also available as a dated tag if you wish to pin.


For more information, including the list of updated software, please refer to the previous message on the matter (linked here for convenience)


Are the pages like CircleCI Developer - Machine Imagesubuntu-2204 - CircleCI still being maintained?

Instead of ubuntu-2204:2024.08.1, the latest image listed there is 2024.05.1.

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It would also be good if the official CircleCI VS Code extension would recognize the 2024.05.1 and 2024.08.1 releases.

See issue Update Ubuntu Again Β· Issue #304 Β· CircleCI-Public/circleci-yaml-language-server Β· GitHub.

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Machine Images still shows outdated LATEST VERSION

so I wonder why there is no reaction and no change.

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@MikeMcC399 thanks for raising the issue with the Machine Images documentation page, that is now updated to reflect the latest image tags.


Thank you @anthonycastro for getting the CircleCI machine image overview page updated!

That page is now showing ubuntu-*:2024.11.1 as the latest set of Ubuntu machine images, so now this page was faster than any announcement here, and faster than the inclusion of the new set of images in the cci-language-server (logged as Unknown machine image for ubuntu-*:2024.11.1 images Β· Issue #316 Β· CircleCI-Public/circleci-yaml-language-server Β· GitHub).

Hopefully there will be an announcement here about the version contents of the Nov 2024 Ubuntu 2024.11.1 machine images.

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Apologies if this isn’t the right thread, but has anyone else experienced issues with the latest 2024.11.1 machine images?

We’re using the github cli orb to install gh and it’s suddenly started prompting and timing out (like it thinks it has an interactive shell). Running on older machine images this does not happen…

Downloading the GitHub CLI from "https://github.com/cli/cli/releases/download/v2.40.1/gh_2.40.1_linux_amd64.deb"...
Installing the GitHub CLI...
+ sudo apt install ./gh-cli.deb
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
Package configuration

                β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€ Daemons using outdated libraries β”œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”
                β”‚                                             β”‚
                β”‚                                             β”‚
                β”‚ Which services should be restarted?         β”‚
                β”‚                                             β”‚
                β”‚    [*] containerd.service                   β”‚
Too long with no output (exceeded 10m0s): context deadline exceeded
                β”‚                                             β”‚
                β”‚          <Ok>              <Cancel>         β”‚
                β”‚                                             β”‚

p.s. sorry for no links or images (i’m new and it won’t let me!)

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Thanks for bringing this up to our attention, I’ll forward this to the team; meanwhile I’ve found this about the NEEDRESTART_MODE environment variable that you could use to unblock yourself: https://askubuntu.com/a/1431746

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@MikeMcC399 you can find that information about included software in the latest Ubuntu machine images in our new post here: Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, 24.04 - Q4 Edge Release.


@jamesbassett Do you know which version of the GitHub CLI orb you are using? Versions 2.5.0 and above should include a fix for the interactive shell issue.

If you are still experiencing problems, I’d recommend filing an issue in orb’s repo here: GitHub - CircleCI-Public/github-cli-orb: Bring all of the power and flexibility of the GitHub CLI to your CI/CD pipeline..

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Hi @anthonycastro yes we saw that GH orb fix and were hopeful it would resolve it, but we get the issue on versions 2.4.0 and 2.6.0 of the GH orb (with CLI version on default/latest or pinning to 2.40.1 which was what was pinned in version 2.4.0 of the orb). We’re still doing some triage on it - will report back with more info soon.

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The new (2.6.0) version of the GH orb didn’t fix this, and we had a lot of trouble even reproducing it - it occurs seemingly at random.

We ended up just adding a step prior to gh/setup to set needrestart to do automatic restarts. i.e.

[ -d /etc/needrestart/conf.d ] ||  sudo mkdir -p /etc/needrestart/conf.d
echo "\$nrconf{restart} = 'a';" | sudo tee /etc/needrestart/conf.d/90-autorestart.conf

Now we’re just monitoring to see if this fixes the issue. I feel like this should be the default on CircleCI executors though…

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