Hey there,
I’m the sysadmin with my company who has been tasked with configuring our circleci integration to copy the contents of our build to an aws bucket ONLY if the changes that are made are coming from our develop branch. I’ve never worked with any integrations like this so it was a bit of a learning curve but after reading some documentation, it seemed like something I would be able to do.
We already had a yml file so I just had to make changes to it to accomplish this task. We were previously running everything in one job - build then copy to s3 but the problem was it was copying all changes to our develop bucket, regardless of what branch you were working on. What I did was separate the build and copy steps into two separate jobs and used workflows to restrict the copy job to just the develop branch.
However, because the build directory was no longer in the same job, the copy step failed. So i looked into persistent workspaces (and executors) as a solution but continue to get a configuration error and I’m not sure what the error is pointing to specifically. It looks like I’m missing a “path” key for the persist_to_workspace field but looks like there’s more to it than that.
Here’s the error:
[#/jobs] 5 schema violations found
Jobs is a map
1. [#/jobs/build] only 1 subschema matches out of 2
| 1. [#/jobs/build/steps/6] 0 subschemas matched instead of one
| | 1. [#/jobs/build/steps/6] Input not a valid enum value
| | | Steps without arguments can be called as strings
| | | enum:
| | | - checkout
| | | - setup_remote_docker
| | | - add_ssh_keys
| | 2. [#/jobs/build/steps/6/persist_to_workspace] only 1 subschema matches out of 2
| | | 1. [#/jobs/build/steps/6/persist_to_workspace] 0 subschemas matched instead of one
| | | | 1. [#/jobs/build/steps/6/persist_to_workspace] required key [path] not found
| | | | 2. [#/jobs/build/steps/6/persist_to_workspace] required key [paths] not found
2. [#/jobs/copy-to-s3] only 1 subschema matches out of 2
| 1. [#/jobs/copy-to-s3/steps/0] 0 subschemas matched instead of one
| | 1. [#/jobs/copy-to-s3/steps/0] extraneous key [at] is not permitted
| | | Permitted keys:
| | | - persist_to_workspace
| | | - save_cache
| | | - run
| | | - checkout
| | | - attach_workspace
| | | - store_test_results
| | | - restore_cache
| | | - store_artifacts
| | | - add_ssh_keys
| | | - deploy
| | | - setup_remote_docker
| | | Passed keys:
| | | []
| | 2. [#/jobs/copy-to-s3/steps/0] Input not a valid enum value
| | | Steps without arguments can be called as strings
| | | enum:
| | | - checkout
| | | - setup_remote_docker
| | | - add_ssh_keys
and the config
version: 2.1
- image: circleci/node:10.14-browsers
working_directory: ~/repo
executor: environment
- checkout
# Make workspace directory
- run: mkdir -p ~/repo/workspace
# Setup for AWS
- run:
name: Install depends
command: |
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
python3-pip \
python3-dev \
python3-setuptools \
apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates \
zip \
curl \
gnupg2 \
- run:
name: Install awscli with pip
command: |
pip3 install --upgrade --user wheel
pip3 install --upgrade --user awscli
- run:
name: npm install
command: |
npm install
npm install @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap
# run production build
- run:
name: Production build
command: |
npm run build
# Create persistent workspace
- persist_to_workspace:
root: ~/repo/workspace
executor: environment
- attach_workspace:
at: ~/repo/workspace
- run:
name: Copy build to S3
command: |
aws s3 cp ./folder/path/ s3://bucketname/ --recursive --acl public-read
version: 2
- build
- copy-to-s3:
- build
only: workingbranch
Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks