Timestamps on build logs [repeat request]

This is a repeat request. Having timestamps on each line is essential for optimizing the build times. Both Jenkins and Go.CD had this feature for ever. I was advocating to switch our org to CircleCI from Traivs, I assumed you have such feature implemented. Unfortunately looks like my assumption was wrong.


Hi @vladistan thanks for posting! I don’t see another post from you but welcome to our community.

Can you tell me more about where you’re trying to see timestamps? And do you mean timestamp as in “what time/date this ran” or “how long it took to run”?

Hope we can help you out!

Here is the other post, it was not by me but by another user: Timestamps on build logs

What I am looking for is just to have a time and date on each line of the build log showing when this line was printed. Something like this Jenkins plugin below:

I’d echo this request.

Currently we’re prepending the following to various bash commands to give us line-by-line timestamps of when commands ran to help with debugging and generally give more context when reviewing build/deployment logs:

date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"

+1000 just now I am debugging a super long docker build step and line by line timestamps would be amazing!

This would be super useful when optimizing the build time.

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Yes please, same thing I want to see what is taking so long in a long-running docker build. I also used this feature in Jenkins and found it very useful.

hey @KateCatlin, we are very interested in this to debug timing issues, i.e, why things take long to execute. Are the specs clear enough? Is this something that you have in your backlog?


+1 need this feature

Any update on this feature request. This will be really helpful for us as well.

This may be useful to others: one can use a bit of shell piping to get timestamps, as outlined here:


- run: example_command | while read line; do echo "$(date +%T) > $line"; done;

Still no timestamps? Wow. How is this not a 5-line change for a very useful feature?

Feature requests have moved to our platform on canny. It seems we have one already open for this – please go vote for it and write comments if it’s something you would like to see prioritized