I am trying to migrate our test suite to Headless Chrome from PhantomJS. We are on CircleCI 2.0.
My issue is that the tests run extremely slowly (>30 mins) and about 70% of tests fail. When running the same test suite on my local computer, the browser tests pass in 10 mins. When running in CircleCI using Poltergeist, the tests pass in about 5 mins.
Perhaps you would also paste your CircleCI config. I am wondering if there is a server component that could do with a few seconds of sleep, so it is always ready before you try to use it.
I changed the config to only run one test and put in some code to save a screenshot at the end of that test, but the test runner doesn’t seem to even get that far most of the time. I repeated the build several times in a row and here are some of the failure reports I get:
1.1) Failure/Error:
'user_credentials' => user.persistence_token,
'user_credentials_id' => user.id,
'current_account_id' => Account.current_id
unknown error: Devtools port number file contents <34733> were in an unexpected format
(Driver info: chromedriver=71.0.3578.33 (269aa0e3f0db08097f0fe231c7e6be200b6939f7),platform=Linux 4.4.0-137-generic x86_64)
# ./spec/support/sign_in_helpers.rb:90:in `create_auth_logic_session'
# ./spec/support/sign_in_helpers.rb:25:in `sign_in_as_an_admin'
# -e:1:in `<main>'
I am getting a combination of these errors (since I have it set to 3 retries) on every build, but the same test passes consistently on my local computer.
OK, cool - so you have some errors. Search for them and see if other people are getting any errors of these types; they are bound to have happened to others before. Stack Overflow should have loads of references. Here’s one, from a quick web search.
I don’t do Ruby, but if you are generally familiar with it, get an SSH session on your post-fail machine, and treat the problem as if you were debugging locally. You can edit your tests and re-run them from the console.