Slack integration was working now failing with no changes

Hey y’all! I’m using the slack-integration orb, and it was working for weeks, and now all of the sudden it stopped working yesterday with no changes to any of our configuration. It seems as though others around the web are having difficulty with this particular package, but I can’t seem to find anything within CircleCI that fixes it. The success / fail steps are just about as boiler plate as they come:

  - slack/notify:
      event: fail
      template: basic_fail_1
  - slack/notify:
      event: pass
      template: success_tagged_deploy_1

The error message looks like this:
Posting Status
Checking For JQ + CURL: Debian
E: The repository ‘Index of /node_14.x/ stretch Release’ does no longer have a Release file.

Exited with code exit status 100
CircleCI received exit code 100


HI @RaymondGiorgi ,

Your notify commands do look straight forward. Are you using a legacy convenience image? If so, I’d recommend upgrading to a next-gen convenience image. You can read more about the deprecation of legacy convenience images here.

You can also try debugging with SSH or pinning the sha of the image used in a previously passing build.

Please feel free to share a build link or open a ticket and i’d be more than happy to have a closer look.