Seeing blank lines added between every line of output

The output file is twice as long as it needs with blank lines added after every echo. I haven’t seen anyone else complaining about this, but it does make long outputs (over 400k) twice as long to view, and it messes up intentional figlets to break things up. This is pasted from raw output:

 _              _                 _  _          _     

| |_  ___  ___ | |_         __ _ | || |    ___ | |__  

| __|/ _ \/ __|| __|_____  / _` || || |   / __|| '_ \ 

| |_|  __/\__ \| |_|_____|| (_| || || | _ \__ \| | | |

 \__|\___||___/ \__|       \__,_||_||_|(_)|___/|_| |_|

Still incredibly annoying. Is there a workaround? We’re just doing normal echoes from our scripts.