Running pylint makes the step terminate after it exits


I wanted to add pylint step to a Django app build, the step looks like that:

  # Pylint
  - run:
      name: Run Linting
      command: |
        pipenv run pylint test_helpers
        echo "Debug"
        exit 0

CircleCI stops right after pipenv exits - it doesn’t print “Debug” and exits with pipenv exit code:

#!/bin/bash -eo pipefail
pipenv run pylint test_helpers
echo "Debug"
exit 0
Loading .env environment variables…
************* Module org_and_user_helper
test_helpers/ [W0211(bad-staticmethod-argument), 
OrgAndUserHelper.submit_draft] Static method with 'self' as first argument
Your code has been rated at 9.91/10
Exited with code 4

Any way I can make it exit 0 ?

Hello @jakub-kozlowski,

Welcome to the forum! Could you try this?

 # Pylint
 - run:
     name: Run Linting
     command: |
       set +e
       pipenv run pylint test_helpers
       echo "Debug"
       exit 0