Remote Docker Image Deprecations and EOL for 2024

Following this deprecation notice, I updated the custom orb all my projects use, back in February. I removed the hardcoded version: 20.10.11 leaving just the default setup_remote_docker step, with no parameters.
This all seemed to have worked fine and the job output looks correct.
However, today I received an email informing me that a dozen of my projects are using a deprecated image and lists the image ID as ubuntu-2004:202111-01 for them all.

I don’t understand how this list was generated, as the email just says things like “we’ve identified” and “our records show”. Please can you help me find more details about what this list is based on. For example, is it just looking at the most recent run for each project, or does it include historic runs? If historic, how far back is it looking? Also, if there’s a way for me check whether a given workflow has been properly updated, that’d be really useful.


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Hi Luke,

It’s probable in this case that you received an email warning about a deprecation that you’ve already addressed because of lag times between our data collection on jobs that were run and the emails going out. Would you let us know if you experienced any problems in the latest brownout and we’ll be happy to assist.
