Redirect to HTTPS for custom domain when always_use_ssl is true: does not happen over HTTPS

Hello. When I run tests for sharetribe, I get errors that I do not know how to fix.
The first error is:

  1. Redirect to HTTPS for custom domain when always_use_ssl is true: does not happen over HTTPS
    Failure/Error: expect(response.status).to eq 200

expected: 200
got: 500

(compared using ==)
Shared Example Group: “common with ssl” called from ./spec/requests/https_redirects_spec.rb:70
#./spec/requests/https_redirects_spec.rb:33:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>’

Most likely it is the cause of all subsequent mistakes:

Failed examples:

rspec ‘./spec/requests/https_redirects_spec.rb[1:1:1:4]’ # Redirect to HTTPS for custom domain when always_use_ssl is true: does not happen over HTTPS
rspec ‘./spec/requests/https_redirects_spec.rb[1:1:1:6]’ # Redirect to HTTPS for custom domain when always_use_ssl is true: does not happen when SSL is terminated on proxy
rspec ‘./spec/requests/https_redirects_spec.rb[1:1:2:1]’ # Redirect to HTTPS for custom domain when always_use_ssl is false does not happen over HTTP
rspec ‘./spec/requests/https_redirects_spec.rb[1:1:2:2]’ # Redirect to HTTPS for custom domain when always_use_ssl is false does not happen over HTTPS
rspec ‘./spec/requests/https_redirects_spec.rb[1:2:1:4]’ # Redirect to HTTPS for marketplace subdomain when always_use_ssl is true: does not happen over HTTPS
rspec ‘./spec/requests/https_redirects_spec.rb[1:2:1:6]’ # Redirect to HTTPS for marketplace subdomain when always_use_ssl is true: does not happen when SSL is terminated on proxy
rspec ‘./spec/requests/https_redirects_spec.rb[1:2:2:1]’ # Redirect to HTTPS for marketplace subdomain when always_use_ssl is false does not happen over HTTP
rspec ‘./spec/requests/https_redirects_spec.rb[1:2:2:2]’ # Redirect to HTTPS for marketplace subdomain when always_use_ssl is false does not happen over HTTPS
rspec ./spec/requests/landing_pages_spec.rb:109 # Landing page when not released renders correct preview
rspec ./spec/requests/landing_pages_spec.rb:144 # Landing page when released shows correct landing page version
rspec ./spec/requests/landing_pages_spec.rb:153 # Landing page when released new version shows correct landing page version
rspec ./spec/requests/landing_pages_spec.rb:187 # Landing page when released caching subsequent requests are served from cache
rspec ./spec/requests/landing_pages_spec.rb:194 # Landing page when released caching request with correct etag returns ‘not modified’
rspec ./spec/requests/landing_pages_spec.rb:200 # Landing page when released caching request with incorrect etag returns 200
rspec ./spec/requests/landing_pages_spec.rb:207 # Landing page when released caching request with correct Last-Modified returns ‘not modified’
rspec ./spec/requests/landing_pages_spec.rb:213 # Landing page when released caching request with past Last-Modified returns 200
rspec ./spec/requests/landing_pages_spec.rb:220 # Landing page when released caching includes max-age header in the response for public marketplaces
rspec ./spec/requests/landing_pages_spec.rb:237 # Landing page when released caching private marketplaces does not includes max-age header in the response for private marketplaces
rspec ./spec/requests/landing_pages_spec.rb:248 # Landing page when released caching cache expiration after configured time
rspec ./spec/requests/legacy_url_spec.rb:25 # legacy URL redirection doesn’t redirect /people/incorrect_id

Please indicate in what direction to move that the tests went well.

A 500 error indicates an error at your application level. Are you doing any logging from the application? The only way to know what caused the 500 error is to inspect the application logs.