Override ENV variable of docker image (Circleci 2.0)

The docker image circleci/node:8 exposes the environment variable YARN_VERSION to set a specific yarn version. When I set the version in the environment map, it’s not picked up by the docker image:

version: 2
- image: circleci/node:8
- run: echo $YARN_VERSION
- run: yarn –version


====>> echo $YARN_VERSION
#!/bin/bash -eo pipefail
====>> yarn --version
#!/bin/bash -eo pipefail
yarn --version

The question is how to pass the environment variable to docker?

So I am mistaking build environments vs runtime environments. So please ignore this post.

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Thanks for the tips. The ui says I don’t have permissions to remove the post (that’s why I replied to my own post).

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@tkvw Can you clarify the final solution by providing your updated YML config?

@rtymchyk: it’s more of a conceptual understanding than a solution. The image is build using a specific YARN_VERSION, so altering the yarn version doesn’t do much. There are two things you can do:
create a custom docker image or create a run command script which downloads yarn and cache this.

The latter is some work, but should be straight forward (you can copy the commands from the node js dockerfile).

Makes sense. Thanks for the reply.

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