Mozilla Addon SDK: jpm shows as a pass when it should be a fail

This might actually be a feature request, but circleci shows failed jpm results as passed.

Example is above. I don’t know how much demand there is, and there’s not a lot of details on jpm’s operation, but the following links may help

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Apparently, the exit code for the command was 0—you can see it on the right next to the jpm command in the test section. That’s why we marked the tests as passed.

To make sure that the errors are marked as failures in CircleCI, you’ll need to make jpm return something non-zero when there has been an error during the execution of the tests or if there has been a test failure.

Noted :slight_smile: I’ve filed a PR against JPM, it that fails I’ll build my own parser that takes the output and figures if it’s pass or fail.

Thank for the tip :slight_smile:

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