IP address range for CI servers, for whitelisting?

Some of our jasmine tests connect to our database using a connection string. However, these tests don’t work on CircleCI because the servers aren’t in our whitelist of accepted IP addresses that can connect to the DB (which is sitting in the cloud on Azure.)

Does CircleCI use a range of IP addresses on their servers that we can whitelist with?

It’s not possible to safelist IP addresses, but we do have a document with some alternatives you can check out. You can find it here.

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Thanks for those links. I’m thinking that something with the azure CLI would work best for us, adding and removing the given IP address to our Azure whitelist on the fly, similar to the AWS example you linked to.

In doing so I assume it would be a matter of installing the proper CCI orb in the config.yml and getting the login credentials straight.

Can we use orbs on the docker instances, or do they have to run on the Linux VM ones?

Orbs are available for all executors, but not all executors are supported by every Orb. It really depends on the Orb that you’re using and checking the details for what it supports. You could also create. your own docker image that contains the tools you need to use, so they don’t need to be installed each time.

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