iOS builds are failing that were previously working

2016-11-08 09:53:31.603 xcodebuild[1640:8215] [MT] IDEDistribution: Step failed: <IDEDistributionThinningStep: 0x7faa3421cc10>: Error Domain=IDEDistributionErrorDomain Code=14 “No applicable devices found.” UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No applicable devices found.}
error: exportArchive: No applicable devices found.

Error Domain=IDEDistributionErrorDomain Code=14 “No applicable devices found.” UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No applicable devices found.}


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Try chruby system


However you may need to do this in a single command, like chruby system && xcodebuild ..., rather then in two separate statements (I think in some cases CCI creates a new shell which is not chruby’ied).

I tried to do it as one command but get this error chruby: command not found

My circle.yml is running scripts from files inside the project for example:

- ./scripts/

When I login with SSH I can run chruby fine.

xcode: 8.1 ?

yes version: "8.1"

I added this to my circle.yml:

- chruby system

In my script file I run from the circle.yml I added:
source ~/.bashrc
chruby system

Before running xcodebuild