Invalid tutorial doc: "Does not support compressed syntax"

When using the S3 deploy example out of documentation:

  - deploy:
    name: Deploy to S3 if tests pass and branch is Master
    command: |
      if [ "${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" == "master" ]; then
        aws s3 sync --region=us-east-2 target/sossity-0.3.0/SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar  s3://cms-qpp-build-artifacts --delete
        echo "Not master branch so not deploying"

I get the error:

Build-agent version 0.0.3718-1b39bec (2017-07-21T11:29:25+0000)
Configuration errors: 1 error occurred:

* In step 7 definition: This type of step does not support compressed syntax

indent the command and everything in it. i.e…

- deploy:
     name: Deploy to S3 if tests pass and branch is Master
     command: |
       if [ "${CIRCLE_BRANCH}" == "master" ]; then
         aws s3 sync --region=us-east-2 target/sossity-0.3.0/SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar  s3://cms-qpp-build-artifacts --delete
         echo "Not master branch so not deploying"