How to fix attach_workspace is failed


We use workflow and some job is failed by cannot extract workspace like below.

Downloading workspace layers
  workflows/workspaces/xxx.tar.gz - 1.3 GB
Applying workspace layers
Error applying workspace layer for job xxx: Error extracting tarball /tmp/workspace-layer-xxx: exit status 2

How can I fix?

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H have the same problem:

Downloading workspace layers
  workflows/workspaces/e8019c09-e5a1-4810-b364-1d59fef55fb8/0/6b7c737c-237a-478a-9af1-0aebeefd1255/0/104.tar.gz - 283 MB
Applying workspace layers

Error applying workspace layer for job 6b7c737c-237a-478a-9af1-0aebeefd1255: Error extracting tarball /tmp/workspace-layer-6b7c737c-237a-478a-9af1-0aebeefd1255008632272: exit status 2

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