How should I do to start two emulators

Hey guys,

How should I do to start two Android Emulators?
I already tried this:

     - emulator -avd circleci-android24 -no-window:
         background: true
     - circle-android wait-for-boot
     - emulator -avd circleci-android22 -no-window:
         background: true
     - circle-android wait-for-boot

Here, the second wait-for-boot takes more than 20 minutes and do not finish (I canceled the build)

I also tried this:

     - emulator -avd circleci-android24 -no-window:
         background: true
     - emulator -avd circleci-android22 -no-window:
         background: true
     - circle-android wait-for-boot

And then again, wait-for-boot takes more than 20 minutes and do not finish (I also canceled the build)

What is the correct way to do that, as I need to run my Android Tests against more than one SDK Version?