How does circleci-demo-php-laravel prepare APP_KEY without creating .env file?

I am currently setting up CI for my Laravel project.
I refer the demo repository above to know how to make it but I can not understand why demo’s jobs success on Circle CI.

php artisan clear-compiled

The compiled services file has been removed.

php artisan optimize

Generating optimized class loader
The compiled services file has been removed.

They run php artisan clear-compiled and php artisan optimize on composer install -n --prefer-dist part.
These commands require APP_KEY on .env file but I don’t think there is .env file.
Their .circleci/config.yml ( ) does not prepare .env file on my understanding.

"post-create-project-cmd": [
  "php -r \"copy('.env.example', '.env');\"",
  "php artisan key:generate"


There is "php -r \"copy('.env.example', '.env');\"", on compose.json but that is post-create-project-cmd.
Circle CI job checkouts the source code but not creates the project.
So I think this does not affect that jobs succeed.

How does circleci-demo-php-laravel prepare APP_KEY without creating .env file or does it create .env file?

Notice how the demo project has an .env.testing file checked into the root of the repo with the APP_KEY already generated. This is the best practice per the laravel docs. You should do something similar in your own project.

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