How can I trigger a something when a pull request is approved?

Starting deployment immediatly after a successful build is pointless if the pull request will be rejected later on. Bitbucket web hooks can notify when a pull request is approved.

How do I use that to trigger a build of different config.yml or at list a different part inside the config.yml which will contain the deployment details?

In other topic, do you provide a private network in your servers which only specific network have access to? (It seems pointless in my case to pay for additional servers in my AWS for circleci if I can use yours). What garentees do I get that no-one will have any access to any of the containers I use in any build?

Please send me a mail also

Stav Alfi

Agree. You should deploy once something is merged to master, not when a PR build passes.

We take security very seriously. The only way to have a guarantee that no one has access to your code is to run CircleCI server behind a firewall. You can learn more about that here: CI/CD for Enterprise Companies - CircleCI

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It may be that English is not your first language, but it’s worth noting that this is not very polite (and as a fellow CircleCI user I probably have more leeway to say that than an employee).

One theme in netiquette is that if one is posting to a community, one should be willing to return to that community to get answers. “I can’t be bothered to come back, email me” can sometimes rub people up the wrong way.

Hope this is helpful :smiley_cat:

  1. I asked for a response in mail to ask additional questions i prefer not
    to ask here from security reasons. Im sory if my english wasn’t clear.
  2. I expected to get yes or no response from a circleci employee to
    understand their product limitations.

בתאריך 10 בדצמ’ 2017 14:06,‏ “Jon” כתב: