How can I pass environment variables from circleci to my aws ec2?

So in one of my jobs, I have the following deploy command:
aws deploy create-deployment --application-name DemoApp --deployment-config-name --deployment-group-name DemoDeployment ...

which will basically run AWS Code deploy that’ll pull down from my github and deploy my apps to the ec2.

However, I couldn’t find a way to pass variable variable from circleci down to my ec2 instances. Is it even possible? I’ve tried a couple of things to no available… For example:
TEST=DUMMY aws deploy create-deployment --application-name DemoApp --deployment-config-name --deployment-group-name DemoDeployment ...

I’ve even tried this in my config.yaml:

- run:
    name: 'Deploy'
    command: >
        aws deploy create-deployment --application-name DemoApp --deployment-config-name
        --deployment-group-name DemoDeployment ....
        TEST: DUMMY

I’ve looked everywhere but can’t seem to find solution for this. Help please?

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